Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Text.Json

Total dependencies: 1798 core 下使用的RabbitMQ
一个基于 netstandard2.1 开发的简单易用的快速开发框架,遵循领域驱动设计(DDD)规范约束,提供实现事件驱动、事件回溯、响应式等特性的基础设施。让开发者享受到正真意义的面向对象设计模式来带的美感。
The Argent Pony .NET client for the Blizzard World of Warcraft Game Data and Profile APIs
The official .Net client for communicating with Kite Connect API.
Redis Collections Warpper for .NetCore
Ulid System.Text.Json Converter.
JSON support using System.Text.Json for Pomelo's MySQL provider for Entity Framework Core.
Package Description
Easily buid powerful WinForm applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Plug-In allowing for the configuration of REST/HAL based resources.
.NET Library for Target365 Online Services
High-performance JWT library. Provides Json Web Token primitives.
A library providing lots of useful utilities, models and services, including interceptor, retry policy, writable JSON DOM, PEM, JWT, stream combination, JSON HTTP web client, JSON converters, CSV parser, numerals, coordinates, angle, arithmetic, sets, colors, etc.
Plugins available for the Core framework
Object library for dox
OpenMessage is an easy to use abstraction for sending and receiving messages between applications.
Redis client library based on StackExchange.Redis with features like an extensible serialization strategy, a tagging mechanism to group keys and hash fields, and more, all being cluster-compatible.
ActiveReports is a set of assemblies that enable you to create, render, print, and export reports in a .NET or .NET Core application. This package includes assemblies needed to display reports in report viewers. Multiple viewers are included for your convenience. Among them are viewers for Windows F...
ActiveReports is a set of assemblies that enable you to create, render, print, and export reports in a .NET or .NET Core application. This package includes the core engine assemblies required to create and render pixel perfect, WYSIWYG, reports.