Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms

Total dependencies: 602

This library contains a Guid Generator, a change tracking model, a tracking message model, some extension methods, and a helper class used for progress reporting during async operations.
Hashing library abstraction, used by various implementations. Contains adapters for System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm for both streaming and standalone hashing.
This is an extension to that aims to be platform independent. At the moment, it contains an implementation for User Login Auth and Payment Forms. Right now, it is thought to be used together with
Opera WebDriver and Opera DevTools through a single connection
Provides general utilities for data driven dotnet application
NetCoreApp2.0 build of HashLib forked from codeplex
Types to model a .NET Project
.NET SDK for Profit365 API.
CommonSharp - A collection of useful C# classes and static methods
JiiLib Class Library - Just a collection of small but useful things.
WeChatJs SDK Signature
High performance Redis client, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage.
A simple .Net Standard library to easily get profile picture, QR code image for profile and profile information for a user from Gravatar.
Package description