Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime

Total dependencies: 1506

Hosting environment for dynamic client side development based on DNX
A fluent API that aims to simplify colorful console output. FluentConsole.White.Text("Hello").Green.Text("world!")
Straightforward `nint` and `nuint` native integers, written in IL, probably second best to proper compiler support.
Temptress Templating
I create page models for writing maintainable automated UI tests. This is the core project used in the web driver implementations. You require a webdriver like UiMatic.SeleniumWebDriver.
Code Generation Tool
Common functionality
Release SOLIDWORKS-API as NuGet package.
Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. \r\n Provides common types for network-based libraries, including System.Net.IPAddress, System.Net.IPEndPoint, and System.Net.CookieContainer. Commonly Used Types: System.Net.HttpStatusCode System.N...
Symon.AspNetCore.Mvc.ExceptionHandler.Abstractions is an extensions to handle exception.
.Net wrapper for CRoaring - a C implementation of Roaring Bitmaps
Immutable Money struct and mutable MoneyBag for .NET 4.6 and .NET Standard 1.3
Razor for .net core
Contains shared utility interfaces and classes.
Package Description