Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime

Total dependencies: 1506

Simple bijective encode/decode library.
Folke.Social Class Library
C# library that provide ISO 7064 implementations to verify or calculate check characters.
zxm.WeChat.Extensions is an extensions for WeChat.
Static analysis for C# solutions. Lets you see classes defined per project and classes referenced per project.
Dynamic Query Generator for use with Dapper
This library contains a way of accessing property setters and getters in a way which is more efficient than reflection, as well as other reflection based functionality
NuGet package for Heliosky GPS
![Package is still in development. It works, but is far away from being very stable]! H2o (HtmlToObject) is a parser which parses HTML into objects using XPath, Css or Regex selectors. Selectors can easily be assigned to classes using attributes.
EsWork Libraries
GraphQL Conventions for .NET
Binance DEX .net api client
Multi-target mapper for AutoMapper.
C# 8 support for .NET. (Improvements, including documentation, are welcome)
This package implements bespoke routines necessary for a detailed analysis of the various components deployed to a CRM instance.