Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters

Total dependencies: 288

A Trifling Library for common functionality.
.NET Disqus migrator for custom XML import format based on the WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) schema
Enables automated tests with HTTP calls to avoid incurring the cost and instability of network traffic by recording a "live" test run and replaying it for subsequent test runs.
Faithlife fork of C# Zipkin Tracer
Machete is a parser, object mapper, and query engine for processing sophisticated text
A simple Cryptography Implementation in .NET for the Ark Blockchain.
aliyun.oss.sdk.core 2.5.3
This is a exntended data filter for Linq Query(support Linq to Entities, Linq to SQL.)
The purpose of the EventStore is to represent a series of events as a stream.
A very fast and minimal serializer. Forked from Lokad/netserializer(Joannes) with modifications for netcoreapp1.1 Now works for .NET3.5+
Extends CoreCover allowing OpenCover reports to be generated.
Breezejs Server Core infrastructure For netstandard 2.0
Awardstage API SDK is used to interact with the Awardstage API
Library for Sending magic packets and performing IP address operations.
Telegram BOT API implementation for .NET Core. For documentation and sample see the project page.