Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Extensions

Total dependencies: 864

This is the Elision accordion feature package to reference if you need to install the entire feature. If you are building a module or other code that just needs to reference the Elision accordion feature, use the Elision.Feature.Accordion-redist package instead.
Easy terminal styling for .NET
K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs
Standard .NET ROS classes with serializer and deserializer
Enterprise Smart Contracts Testdrive - CryptletCore library for building .Net based Cryptlets and Blockchain Contract Proxies.
Software for corpus linguists and text/data mining enthusiasts. The CorpusExplorer combines over 45 interactive visualizations under a user-friendly interface. Routine tasks such as text acquisition, cleaning or tagging are completely automated. The simple interface supports the use in university te...
Extract psychological traits from text and HTML content using IBM Watson Services Personality Insights.
Core library for Watson and Watson.Lite; simple, fast, async C# web servers for handling REST requests with SSL support, targeted to .NET Core, .NET Standard, and .NET Framework.
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
Terse syntax C# command line parser for .NET with F# support. The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
A cross-platform library for processing of image files written in C#
A CLI application to use the Leprechaun codegen framework for Sitecore.
Series and Panels for Real-time and Exploratory Analysis of Data Streams
OLAP component for Analytics applications on ASP.NET Core MVC framework. Embeds into an ASP.NET Core MVC project to provide a rich-functional OLAP client for ad-hoc analysis of multidimensional data through a browser.
GeoAPI.NET project provides a common framework based on OGC/ISO standards to improve interoperability among .NET GIS projects.
Client to use to export to SURVI-Prevention.
Database Operation Library 性能强劲,稳定,既能利用Linq强编码提示,又可利用Mybatis风格管理SQL。 包含如下功能: 1.支持多种配置方式xml,数据库连接字符串,连接对象 2.支持Linq写法转换并执行SQL 3.支持Mybatis写法,xml配置,可以灵活方便管理复杂SQL 4.支持数据库连接池 5.支持FluetValidation自动验证实体 6.主从读写分离 7.批量导入、导出,生成SQL 脚本 8...