Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe

Total dependencies: 826

The common part of Sakuno's libraries
Dynamic Settings is a .NET library that allows you to load application settings from a variety of sources including environment variables, ConfigurationManager, text files, YAML files, and Redis.
Perfecto Reporting SDK for C#
BlueRain is a fully-featured memory manipulation library for both internal and external process manipulation. It includes support for reading/writing memory, allocating memory, and DLL injection.
Mimics the F# Interactive console application inside a WPF user control, this allows it to be used inside a WPF application. Currently based on the open source F# 3.1 Interactive process.
BrokenDiscord is a Discord API Library written in F#.
The official sdk from Premind
.NET bindings for OpenSlide with Deep Zoom support.
IndexedFilePackage reader and IndexedFilePackage builder.
提供.NET6.0 常用的开发工具类,包括网络请求,图像处理,安全校验等。
The core library for Automaty - a .NET Core based code automation tool for .NET Core projects.
A low-level, hardware-accelerated graphics and compute library for .NET, with backends for Vulkan, Metal, Direct3D 11, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES. Veldrid can be used to create high-performance 2D and 3D games, simulations, tools, and other graphical applications.
Adds reading/writing support to go between NetTopologySuite features and GPX files.