Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit

Total dependencies: 984

Peachpie application runtime.
通用类库,提供配置、缓存、日志、AOP、IOC、序列化、扩展方法、Emit、加解密、定时任务、本地化、分布式锁、多租户、对象映射等等基础方法。 参考文档:
A set of useful methods used across Easy.* projects.
IL Generation library for Grace dependency injection container
SemanticComparison makes it easier to compare instances of various objects to each other. Instead of performing a normal equality comparison, SemanticComparison compares objects that look semantically similar - even if they are of different types. Various fine-tuning options exist.
This is a custom modified version of the EcmaScript code, mainly created for YUICompressor.NET.
Provides classes for serializing objects to the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and deserializing XML data to objects. Commonly Used Types: System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEleme...
Provides classes and interfaces that support the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). Commonly Used Types: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite<T> System.Dynamic.IDynamicMetaObjectProvider System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder System...
Provides classes, interfaces and enumerations that enable language-level code expressions to be represented as objects in the form of expression trees. Commonly Used Types: System.Linq.IQueryable<T> System.Linq.IQueryable System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<TDelegate> System.Linq.Expressions.Express...
Magenic's automation quick start framework
Authentication library for the veracity services sdk for mvc5
Faster than Any Binary?
Package Description
The engine is a part of the reporting tool that renders reports from getting data from the source, building bands, calculating aggregate functions, charting, applying styles, conditions, filtering, sorting, and more. Also, the report engine has algorithms for exporting reports to various formats suc...
IL Generation library for Grace dependency injection container
Service Bus Host for Mass Transit services using RabbitMQ
RpcLite Class Library
Create webapi controllers based on decorated interfaces. For use with aspnetcore on netcore or .net framework
Avalonia is a cross-platform UI framework for .NET providing a flexible styling system and supporting a wide range of Operating Systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS and with experimental support for Android, iOS and WebAssembly.