Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive.Linq

Total dependencies: 217

A free library of helpful classes that (at the time of writing) I feel are missing from the major libraries such as Microsoft's .NET Framework, Spring.NET and log4net. These types are intended to increase your productivity by letting you reuse something that somebody else has already written and u...
Library for ActiveMapTasks WebSocket
A framework for working with work.
Docitt Rabbit Configuration
GenericMvc is group of classes for speeding Asp.Net Core development
MemoryBus is a library for in memory pub/sub messaging. Also includes RPC and async versions
Squared Infinity ▪ Maths ▪ Statistics
WPF MVC Framework
Easily handle USB event with observer pattern an rx extensions. Sample: rx_usb.USB.UsbAdded.Subscribe(Observer.Create<DriveInfo>((_) => { Debug.WriteLine("USB Added"); }));