Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive.Interfaces

Total dependencies: 75

This library contains all multimedia functionality of seeing# like Direct3D 11 rendering, video rendering, sound playing and so on... Supported targets: - Classic Desktop (.Net 4.6) - Windows 10 Universal Apps
Qactive queryable observable providers infrastructure.
Qactive TCP provider for client and server.
Implementation of NuGet package repository that stores package metadata in a Lucene index for very fast package lookup and search capabilities. Includes an optional file system watcher that will keep packages on disk in sync with the Lucene index. This package does not serve as a standalone package ...
Qactive base streaming implementation provider and protocol for client and server.
This library contains all multimedia functionality of seeing# like Direct3D 11 rendering, video rendering, sound playing and so on... Supported targets: - Classic Desktop (.Net 4.6) - Windows 10 Universal Apps This version of the library is for development...
Bud.FilesObservatory is a reactive wrapper for the file system watcher API. It makes an observable that produces file change notifications.
Official Vowpal Wabbit library including C# interface
Asynchronous command and event bus
Linq2Azure is a “cloud management” API that gives .NET developers a familiar programming model for querying and managing their Windows Azure environment. Linq2Azure is statically typed and includes Code Contracts, meaning .NET developers can reliably automate the management of their cloud environmen...
Bud.Reactive is a set of calming and option-gathering extension methods for the IObservable type of .NET Reactive Extensions.
Package Description
Defines contracts related to Message Broker interactions.
This package replaces other ReactiveCloudant packages with support for .net core. Use this package to connect to Cloudant CouchDB instances from .NET