Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Security

Total dependencies: 206

CoAP.NET is an implementation in C# providing CoAP-based services to .NET applications.
Rebuld of (Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard) for net standard 1.3 with signing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.* packages Assemly has strong key and can be placed in GAC .NET Standard 1.3 LDAP signed client library. Works with any LDAP server (including Microsoft Active Directory - AD)
Core fo-dicom library for .NET Core Native targeting Standard Library 1.3 and higher.
v1.2.0 version of DnsClient is required in order to be able to use mongoDB driver with Azure functioins
IMAP4/POP3 common library for Smdn.Net.Imap4.Client and Smdn.Net.Pop3.Client
Npgsql is a .NET data provider for PostgreSQL, 100% implemented in C# code. PostgreSQL 9.x and above is officially supported, other versions may work.
.Net Core下的Redis库
HTTPnet is a .NET library for HTTP and WebSocket based communication. It provides a HTTP/WebSocket server and a powerful processing pipeline for HTTP request and their responses.
Core networking library for the CANAPE.Core network library.
A client for communicating with MQTT brokers. Reference the Standard.Web.MQTT.Server package too if your application needs to act as a MQTT broker.
Appenders for Apache log4net RemoteSyslogSSLAppender and RemoteSyslogAsyncSSLAppender: Appenders specifically to allow remote SSL logging to a syslog running on a Synology NAS. This should work with any syslog conforming to the BSD specification. EncryptedForwardingAppender: ForwardingAppender to ...
A networking library for frame-based, performant asynchronous sockets on .NET Core
Emitter is an MQTT client tailored for service, allowing real-time publish subscribe. It supports full .Net Framework and WinRT platform (Windows 8+ and Windows Phone 8+).
Ultra Distributed Shared Memory