Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Http

Total dependencies: 2295

The MyAir3 API allows for discovery, querying and commanding of Airconditioning units connected to a MyAir3 controller. Includes support for .net Micro Framework
The modern Twitter library, fork project of CoreTweet. The goal is that it has more flexible API structure.
WeChatJs SDK Signature
Folke.Social Class Library
zxm.WeChat.Extensions is an extensions for WeChat.
Loggly provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Perfecto Reporting SDK for C#
Library to help implement integration testing.
Sms helper for Twilio REST API
AspNetCore moiddleware to use Cactus.Fileserver
Sophie API SDK
HTTP Server with authentification and static files processing support
LooUQ iotQi framework device client for classic .NET platforms
LinqToSolr is an intuitive and lightweight C# library designed to enhance Solr queries with the power of Linq. It seamlessly integrates Solr search capabilities into .NET applications, facilitating cleaner and more maintainable code. LinqToSolr is suitable for developing complex search solutions or ...
A wrapper around
Xamarin FileStorage Android provider
Xamarin FileStorage iOS provider
An easy-to-use async WebDAV client for .NET, .NETStandard, Blazor-WASM and Portable based on