Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Http

Total dependencies: 2295

Created Nuget package
Created Nuget package
NetStandard implementation of the Bing Speech API (Speech-To-Text) from Microsoft Cognitive Services
An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client.
BigCommerce API v2 client for .NET Standard
RIDGID Services REST API Client
A .net core Twitch library containing classes and models to access the rest api.
An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client by subscribing to individual silo or agg...
UsgsClient is a .NET Standard 1.1 library for querying the USGS Earthquake APIs.
The C# Bitcoin Library for Bitcoin Gold
A library to read SRTM data, loads missing files on-the-fly.
YouTrack sink for Serilog
Block chain Indexer for Bitcoin Cash using Microsoft Azure as backend
A C# wrapper around the API.
Serilog sink to publish to Pushover
Integração com API da Cielo 3.0 (Funções Assíncronas, HttpClient, .Net Standard 2)
Web stack with OWIN, WebApi, SignalR, Autofac, AutoMapper, various utilities and configuration defaults to speed up initial setup efforts
Generate random data using a fluent api with reactive extensions.
Library used to write integration tests for the OneTrueError client libraries