Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Http

Total dependencies: 2295

The modules required to build CloudCore-based web roles/sites.
Official Library for Solutions The Library contains the main operations, data, utilities and Base forms for the Solutions. It's build using Visual Studio 2017, C# 7.0 and .Net framework 4.6.1 .
MzAutomation Test Framework. Documentation coming soon..
.NET Client library for The Movie Database (
A .NET library for using MSTest (and Moq) on top of the ChannelAdam Test Framework.
Package Description
Analytics library.
Microsoft Azure Management Storage Library. Development of this library has shifted focus to the Azure Unified SDK. The future development will be focused on "Azure.ResourceManager.Storage" ( Please see the package changelog for more ...
An implementation of HMAC for ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core
A cross-platform framework for gathering OAuth, Bluetooth and device specific data
Web Push library for C#
Library to Integrate Service.
Picturepark .NET SDK CloudManager: Manage Picturepark backend instances.
Provides Batch service accounts management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Reservations Library
Breakdance is a testing framework for managing the dangerous dance of shipping public APIs. This package contains helper classes for testing any WebAPI endpoint. These classes make it super easy to craft HTTP requests to your API at test time. Commonly used types: System.Net.Http.HttpCl...
CodeGenHero is an amazing Visual Studio extension that enhances developer productivity via code generation. This package should be added to projects that are the target of CodeGenHero templates that are clients of Web APIs.
Basic contracts and helper to build a server or client application for the data exchange server.
The ASP.NET plugin allow you to access to features that can only be provided through ASP.NET.
DicomObjects is a simple to use .NET based DICOM library. The API is user friendly and is aimed to provide easy ways to build DICOM solution. This library is actively supported by MedicalConnections Ltd, UK. Third party license compliance