Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.IO.FileSystem

Total dependencies: 406

Package for writing plugin tests
UI package for plugin development
Core package for plugin development
Assent is a simple assertion library for long strings. By default it uses common diff tools to report on and resolve test failures.
Core fo-dicom library for .NET Core targeting Standard Library 1.3 and higher.
LDAP client library for .NET Standard 2.0: .NET Core, .NET Framework 4.6, Universal Windows Platform, Xamarin (iOS, Android, UWP). Works with any LDAP server (including Microsoft Active Directory - AD)
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for support media like video, pdf and images in the app. It depends on Fluker
This package contains support to custom integrations of the system Map platform. It depends on Fluker.Base
This package contains common classes and interfaces that are used in other Fluker controls.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for integrate a shop system like cart and payments with credit card in the app. It depends on Fluker.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for support Users (Login, Registrarion) through email in the app. It depends on Fluker
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Nexmo Plugin
The NTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. NTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification. This package references GeoAPI.
nustache port for .net core
The NUnit Portable Agent provides an interface that allows test runners to load the NUnit Framework and run tests in an assembly without taking a dependency on a specific version of the framework.
MIT licensed C#/.NET parser and writer for Apple and GnuStep Property Lists, supporting ASCII, Binary and Xml formats, based on Java's dd-plist.
Lightweight file logging provider implementation for NET6 / NET8+ / .NET Core without dependencies on logging frameworks. How to use: services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder => { loggingBuilder.AddFile("app.log", append:true); }); More details and examples:
Paradigm ORM Cassandra Connector library.
Generate Audit Logs from file system events using a FileSystemWatcher