Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.IO.Compression.ZipFile

Total dependencies: 128

Lynicon CMS is a modern, extensible, hypermodular CMS which provides CMS facilities to ASP.Net Core on .Net Core 2.0/2.1 (.Net Standard 2.0) or .Net 4.6.1+. This package is the core system which contains all the essential functions required for CMS, sufficient to build a small site or application. ...
Backload is a professional, full featured server side file handler for ASP.NET Core (MVC Core, Web API, HTML). It handles the client side jQuery File Upload Plugin from blueimp, PlUpload from Moxiecode and Fine Uploader from Widen Enterprises out of the box, but it can be easily customized to work w...
1.日志压缩 2.日志文件保存7天 3.日志级别
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
Ready to Xamarin & .NET Core, File System & Zip Archive Access Library. include Tree-Structure Defenition.
s simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It popularised in
WMI providers that handle performance metrics for various WMI classes.
Lynicon CMS is a modern, extensible, hypermodular CMS which provides CMS facilities to ASP.Net Core on .Net Core (.Net Standard 1.6) or .Net 4.6+. This package is the core system which contains all the essential functions required for CMS, sufficient to build a small site or application. This proje...
Additional classes and methods complementary too VSLangProj from Microsoft
Core implementation of CKSetup.
Internal Use Common Functions
BlazorMobile: Launch Blazor as a mobile application on iOS, Android & UWP, with native communication support. Support iOS 12+, Android 4.4 >= and UWP. Install this package on your shared Xamarin.Forms app project.
A .NET friendly library for Discord Api.
PdfAValidator is based on VeraPdf and is an open source conformance checker for PDF/A files. It is designed to help archives and libraries check that their PDF/A collections conform to the appropriate ISO 19005 archiving standard specification.
iCom integrates a variety of specific operation classes, such as: Cookie, Items, Cache, Form, DbContext, DbDynamic, DbConn, SqlQuery, FileUtil, FileUpload, Crypto, BarCode, StringUtil, TypeConvert, SortList, DateUtil, RegexUtil, Environal, ReflectUtil, HttpClient, ImageUtil, XmlUtil, ZipPackage, Wo...
A .NET Core microservices messaging platform. Please follow the link to our website for more information.
Dijing.Common is a common extension library for .netcore
Common Utilities. Compression