Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Dynamic.Runtime

Total dependencies: 609

NetRpc is a light weight rpc engine base on RabbitMQ, Grpc, Http targeting .NET7. especially suitable for handle long call.
This library provides a 100% pure .NET implementation of the NumPy API. Multi-threaded, fast and accurate.
BumperLane Core API functionality
Provides types that support the Visual Basic runtime Commonly Used Types: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Provides a set of packages that can be used when building portable libraries on .NETCore based platforms. \r\n TFS ID: 1599443, GitHub SHA:
LINQ-enabled client API for issuing OData queries and consuming OData payloads. Supports OData v3. Targets .NET 4.0, Silverlight 4.0 or .NET Portable Lib with support for .NET 4.5, Win Phone 8, Win Phone 8.1, and Win 8. Localized for CHS, CHT, DEU, ESN, FRA, ITA, JPN, KOR and RUS.
An embedded V8 engine for .NET CLR and .NET Core.
Package Description
NuGet's implementation for interacting with feeds. Contains functionality for all feed types.
Large collection of helpful extensions for a variety of types.
ComponentOne Controls for ASP.NET Core MVC Edition
Generic Data Application Layer - Includes database analyzer and code generation classes.
ComponentOne Controls for ASP.NET Core MVC Edition
Extends the .NET built in Uri with a fluent interface for adding to the query string.
A Fast and rich SQL based ORM that does not uses LINQ expressions for sake of readability and performance for NetCore, NetFramework & NetStandard
NuGet's core types and interfaces for PackageReference-based restore, such as lock files, assets file and internal restore models.
Base classes for general usage in any application. Github source:
SQLHelper is a simple class to help with databases.
Hisoka is a framework agnostic tool to execute dynamic paginating, filtering and sorting with IQueryable types
WaterbutlerHelper is a part of the CoScInE group.