Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Dynamic.Runtime

Total dependencies: 609

MES is a mathematical expressions evaluator. While being fairly simple it's heavily focused on being generic, modular, and extensible. Supports custom functions!
High-performance ADO.NET object mapper.
Lightweight dynamic plugin system for .NET Core
LightBlue is a lightweight Azure development platform designed to replace a subset of the Azure emulator functionality
Natural language processing, with Attributes.
JavaScript interpreter for .NET forked from Jint
Blueberry infrastructure library
This library enables you to convert string into lambda expression and evaluate it.
Makes any call to a function of an object thread safe
Micro framework for validating dynamic C#
MessagePack serializer for FluentdClient.Sharp, with using MsgPack.Cli.
Introduces the `let` class, which is capable of storing arbitrary values and properties.
NLightTemplate is a lightweight string template renderer with a simple syntax similar to C# 6 interpolation.
Console User Interface Toolkit
A lightweight framework for helping writing CQRS and Eventsourcing applications in C# on .NET Core
A .NET implementation of PackStream - a serialization solution by Neo4j.