Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Collections

Total dependencies: 1085

Provides classes useful in concurrent programming.
Package Description
DeepEnds is a tool written by Zeb Mason to perform dependency analysis on code in a hierarchical manner. It produces DGML files for visualisation of graphs within Visual Studio and computes various metrics which can be placed in a CSV file or a HTML report. The HTML report can be generated ...
An implementation of Monad in C#. For use as a DTO in personal projects. Provides a simple data transform and DTO for return value guarantee.
Tomato Rpc Core Library.
Frame developed to look like Youtube app GUI. It´s user friendly, developer-customizable and switches between types of view depending on window width.
Provides a Task class for Compact Framework 3.5 with similar functionality as provided by Framework 4. For another framework it simply forwards the type to corresponding assembly. Replaced by NETStandard.WindowsCE package.
NugetTest.ClassLibrary.Test Class Library
Bondx Group Library