Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Collections

Total dependencies: 1085

PolylineEncoder.Net is a super lightweight utility to encode and decode latitude and longitude using Google Polyline algorithm. You can learn more about how Google implements and uses this with their maps api here:
Class Library containing an C# abstraction model of the collection+json media type object model
Class Library containing an implementation of the gachcollectionjson abstraction model using the Newtonsoft Json.Net Library
Library designed to help developers who are dealing with SI measurement units.
Add additional Linq extensions familiar to ruby ppl
An implementation of SuffixTree.
Bitwise Class Library is used for handling bitwise operators in an easier way, human readable
A projection API for map tiles
SyScript Core
A multi-platform .NET binding of the library build of Facebook's Zstandard project.
ASP.NET 5 HTTP feature infrastructure.
Middleware for automatically applying culture information to HTTP requests.
DotNetZip vNext port
Utility library for doing complex equality comparisons