Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Collections

Total dependencies: 1085

Parser for files and strings in INI format.
cloudscribe database setup component for SQLite.
Implementation of cloudscribe ILogRepository for pgsql
Terse syntax C# command line parser for .NET with F# support. The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
A cross-platform library for processing of image files written in C#
ASP.Net vNext AES Crypto Library
ASP.Net vNext Package Management Library
ASP.Net vNext Email Sender
The excel provider for vNext
CodeComb.AspNet.Upload Class Library
ASP.NET 5 Authentication Middleware using OAuth 2.0 Introspection (rfc7662)
A dotnet wrapper for the api
A CLI application to use the Leprechaun codegen framework for Sitecore.