Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

Total dependencies: 741

The project is inspired by years of tedious repetitions, continuously re-writing similar code-snippets and libraries, to handle common functionality, not related to the business domain, such as logging, data persistence, message queuing, documentation, validation and similar.
Package Description
Swagger ISchemaFilter that uses FluentValidation validators instead System.ComponentModel based attributes.
Some additional useful filters for Swashbuckle.AspNetCore. This package replaces Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Examples.
MicroBootstrap is a framework for quickly and conveniently creating microservices on .NET Core.
Atc.Rest.Extended is a collection of classes and extension methods for Atc.Rest, that contains SwaggerUI, FluentValidation Versioning etc.
Configure Asp.Net Core and swagger to use NodaTime types. # Benefits of MicroElements.Swashbuckle.NodaTime - Supports Swashbuckle 5, net core 3 and brand new System.Text.Json - Implemented in c#, no FSharp.Core lib in dependencies - NamingStrategy support. You can use DefaultNamingStrategy, CamelCa...
Web Framework cross platforms based to .net core
Package Description
Plinth Swagger for ASP.NET CORE
A library to aid in the construction of RESTful Web Services
AspNet Scaffolding with log, serializer, and all structure to work good for me :D
让 .NET 开发更简单,更通用,更流行。
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extention Method For Easy Develop High Tech Asp.Net Core Mvc Application. ForExample : Implementation Of Authentication, Authorization, TagHelpers, CustomAttribute, ResponseCache, ExtensionMethod, ...
Package providing extension methods to assist in Swagger the Startup of a dotnet6 app.
Package providing extension methods to assist in EntityFramework in the Startup of a dotnet6 app.
Mindgaze.AspNetCore library contains useful foundation classes for building RESTful APIs such as: - Dto classes - Entity controller with CRUD and Json Patch operations - Filtering via query parameters - Swagger filters - Web host integration test fixture