Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on OkIO bindings for .NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android)

Total dependencies: 54

Xamarin bindings for Estimote Android Proximity SDK
The Dial Once Android SDK
The nuu:bit Xamarin Mobile SDK is a simple way to connect a Xamarin mobile application to the nuu:bit's global content acceleration and analytics platform. The nuu:bit Mobile SDK is a set of libraries that provide the means necessary to report and accelerate the delivery of content to applications...
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
Mapbox Android Plug-in Offline binding library for Xamarin.Android
Mapbox Android Plug-in LocationLayer binding library for Xamarin.Android
Xamarin Binding Library - Zendesk Chat
Xamarin Binding Library - Zendesk Chat
Binding of the Android Launch Darkly mobile SDK.
Binding Library of Android Picasso
Xamarin.Android binding for the Layer Atlas library.
A RFC6455-compliant web socket implementation.
A RFC6455-compliant web socket implementation.
OkHttp ability to be used with HttpURLConnection.
Squareup Retrofit2 Retrofit-converter binding library for Xamarin.Android
Squareup OkHttp3 OkHttp binding library for Xamarin.Android