Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SpecFlow

Total dependencies: 278

A plugin that allows you to create SpecFlowFeatureReference items to pull feature files into a project just before generation.
A SpecFlow generator plugin that modifies the creation of categories from tags to simplify your interface into generated tests.
Plugin to switch off Specflow logging
The project contains helpers that can be used in other test projects.
Testing library for event sourcing synchronisation
Useful general purpose extensions for SpecFlow
SpecFlow utils from SDLib
Endjin's SpecFlow and Selenium testing framework for smart automated web UI tests development.
BACS 487
Useful extensions for SpecFlow. Integration with Owin Self Hosting
Useful extensions for SpecFlow. Integration with Endjin.Composition Framework
SpecAid is a tool assist for Automated Behavior Testing. Automated Behavior Testing is a relative of BDD. Think of SpecAid as the AutoMapper of the SpecFlow Table world. In SpecFlow the vast majority of code written is the mapping of Names to Nouns (objects). They do this when creating objects and...
Useful extensions for SpecFlow. Integration with Azure Storage Emulator
Blackbaud UAT KIT Core SDK Classes.
Blackbuad UAT SpecFlow Generator Plugin. Produces bindings with dual signatures enabling that the tests for both MSTest and NUnit compatible runners. Manages chromedriver lifecycle. Based on See http://...
Package Description
this is bdd Specflow package