Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpZipLib

Total dependencies: 536

.NET Helper library for *.vr.jpg files. These files are produced by the Google Cardboard Camera Android app.
This is wrapper for reading and writing excel Files (xls, xlsx) without MS Office Installed
A generic utilities package for .NET
Centralized email management, queues etc.
Object Document Mapping for Lucene.Net
HttpResponse - Two controls that can be mounted on CMS-hosted pages to correctly respond with 404 headers. CompressedViewStatePage - Uses SharpZipLib to significantly reduce ViewState size on the delivered document. PaginationControl - Simple control to manage the pagination of a multi-pag...
Majorsilence Reporting is a fork of fyiReporting. I cannot stress this enough. This is a FORK. The main purpose is to make sure that I have a copy of fyiReporting since that project seems to be dead. "FYIReporting Designer is a report and charting system based on Microsoft's Report Definition Langu...
Map objects to Lucene.Net Documents and vice versa. Query for Documents based on their mapped types.
Easy mocker for Examine index testing.
Archiver implemetion based on SharpZip
Framework for creating high-performance servers with domain object models.