Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpZipLib.NETStandard

Total dependencies: 42

Database manage tool for: SqlServer, MySql, Oracle and Postgres.
Provides an EphemeralCluster implementation that can download/bootstrap/run a throwaway customizable Elasticsearch cluster
A managed library for reading and writing ID3 tags (versions 1, 2.3 and 2.4). This a fork of Hugo Rumayor's project located at, migrated to .NET Standard 2.0.
a .net core memcache driver named "Memcached.ClientLibrary" by wanghongqi [email protected] .NetStandard2.0
SharpZipLib integration nodes for EtlLib: A simple ETL framework for .NET.
WebP CLI wrapper
MemcachedClientLibrary虽然是同步调用,但在高并发时比EnyimMemcachedCore效率高,且不会出现假死现象. 其内部的序列化做成了接口,支持Json,Bson,BinaryFormatter.由于BinaryFormatter效率低下,可移植性不强.因此默认改为Bson存储.存储协议与java的Memcached-Java-Client开发包保持一致,只需加个BSON序列化,就可以实现java与.net的相互通信.
Sample utils for Microsoft.ML.Samples
AreaEngineering Zipper for Core
.net core 快速开发框架,请下载Inaction.Web
.net core 快速开发框架,请下载Inaction.Web
This is C# RTL library compatible with .Net Standard, which enables integration of FioranoMQ with .NET applications.
TianFeng .Net Standard 组件
Package Description
.Net Core Utils
基于 SharpZipLib 的文件压缩、解压类