Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpDX.DXGI

Total dependencies: 86

Provides custom 3D controls for netcore WPF based on SharpDX.
a framework for building 2D and 3D games and more inspired by the XNA/Mono framework
Direct2D control for WPF.
Assembly providing DirectX - MediaFoundation managed API.
Assembly providing DirectX - Effects11 managed API for Direct3D11.
Assembly providing DirectX - Direct3D12 managed API.
Real-time 2D rendering utilities based on SharpDX/Direct2D.
Provides the ability to use Wave Engine in a UWP view
Provides DirectX11 rendering implementation for Wave Engine
Contains access to low level graphics functionality utilizing hardware accelerated rendering through Direct3D 11.2.
Assembly providing DirectX - DirectComposition managed API.
The MonoGame runtime for Windows using DirectX API's.
Seeing# is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
Seeing# is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
SeeingSharp is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps - Windows SDK
The MonoGame runtime for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) which supports Windows 10 and Xbox One.
Methods for rendering visual tree into an image file or WriteableBitmap.