Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on C# Redis client for the Redis NoSQL DB

Total dependencies: 125

Package Description
new log structure added
This library provides a wrapper of a distributed cache handler around the SerivceStackRedis library that affords the implementation built-in connection pooling.
业务库 .net core 5.0
封装Redis接口 只需要配置读取和存储地址就可以使用了
This is .net 4.7.2 wrapper dll for redis cache
HTTP请求 可进行数据校
Added Gateway persistence and deduplication in v2
C# Redis Client for the worlds fastest distributed NoSQL datastore. Byte[], String and POCO Typed clients. Thread-Safe Basic and Pooled client managers included. BSD v3, No Registering License Key
A Redis Utility Using ServiceStack.Redis
This is a library about Redis SDK.
Redis implementation of the RevStack c# repository pattern.
ASP.NET MVC 5 shipped with a new Identity system (in the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core package) in order to support both local login and remote logins via OpenID/OAuth, but only ships with an Entity Framework provider (Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework). Redis.AspNet.Identity is a Redis ...
The NLog Redis Target is a custom target for NLog version 2.0 allowing you to send logging messages to a Redis list or channel.
Redis job storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
An implementation of a persistent job queue in Redis
Karma Core famework