Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common libraries for ServiceStack projects

Total dependencies: 124

Package Description
Terradue.Cloud is a library targeting .NET 4.0 and above that provides core interfaces and classes of Terradue Cloud
Illumina BaseSpace SDK for . Find out more about development and usage at
An ASP.NET Redis SessionStateStoreProvider.
Core files for the NBot chatbot.
Asp.Net Membership Provider for integration with Stormpath API V1.
A ServiceStack.Redis-based implementation of the NoSQL abstraction layer
ServiceStack framework support for RestBus
Redis job storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Terradue.ElasticCas is a library targeting .NET 4.0 and above that provides an ElasticCas is an OpenSearch engine built over elasticsearch.
DotNetElasticCas.GeoTime is a plugin that provides an extension to DotNetElasticCas to store and query GeoSpatial dataset
Karma Core famework
ServiceStack client binaries for Silverlight. Provides generic JSON, XML and JSV Service Clients allowing you to call ServiceStack web services from a Silverlight client. This is now a stub that points to ServiceStack.Common NuGet package which now contains the Silverlight client builds.
Provides log4net 1.2.9 logging integration for other ServiceStack projects
Interface messages for/from CentralStation
Google Style Partial Responses for ServiceStack.Net
Provides log4net logging integration for other ServiceStack projects