Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

PureActive Serilog Sink for xUnit
PureActive Serilog Logger Provider
Logs messages to an Azure storage queue
Serilog enricher to add the OpenTracing TraceId and SpanId
A library for interacting with Synapse's replication streams.
Emerald framework.
PS.Common.Logging.Nuget Description
Integration to Serilog logging.
Middleware for ASP.NET Core that uses Serilog to log requests.
Fully-featured Serilog sink that logs events to remote syslog servers using UDP, TCP, and TLS over TCP, and can also use POSIX libc syslog functions to write to the local syslog service on Linux systems. Both RFC3164 and RFC5424 format messages are supported.
PS.Common.Foundation.Package.Nuget Description
Serilog event sink that send to the
KickStart Extension for Serilog
Serilog sink for ElkStreams
Enriches Serilog events with information from HttpContext.Current
Serilog logging provider for NHibernate
Collection of various enrichers for serilog. Contains enricher for UtcTimestamp, ThreadName, AllocatedMemory, GCxCollectionCount where x is the Generation
.NET interface to the content processing service
Suave plugin to use Serilog as the logger for your application