Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

Efficient event sourced decisions and data
Provides the Serilog logging services implementation. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IAmbientServices.WithSerilogManager(). Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and application ecos...
AppCenter sink for Serilog
ASP.NET Core Web Pack For .NET Core; Include Default Builder;
Software Pioniere Fx Test Harness
Serilog Sink that pushes your log events to a Service Bus Queue.
Serilog decorator for ASP.NET Core and
Wraps Serilog by an abstract Logger class where debug logging is not compiled into your code when using the provided Logger class. It also integrates direct logging to Microsoft App Center which can be configured at runtime.
The core library for all NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken nuget packages
A Serilog adaptor for Chronicle
dbmgr is an opinionated database migration and management framework that utilizes convention over configuration. It enables deployment pipelines to manage database schema, programability and data changes using direct SQL.
Enrich Serilog log events with properties from LogEvent.MessageTemplate.Text
Serilog sink that writes to MySQL database. 在项目基础上,对数据库字段做了如下修改: 1. Timestamp字段类型从原来的varchar改为datetime; 2. Template字段改为MessageTemplate
Biblioteca de itens comuns para logs de aplicação para projetos corporativos da FACode
Biblioteca de itens comuns entre projetos de API em .net core da FACode
Rebus extensions for configurate message bus via appsettings.json
Serilog extensions for configurate logging via appsettings.json
MAD.NET.Data contains the abstractions and contracts to make an access to a data storage engine as simple as possible.
[DEPRECATED] Use new package RafaelEstevam.Simple.Spider See github for details