Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog.Sinks.RollingFile

Total dependencies: 201

Package Description
Sop.Spider a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
YYApp Serilog common and defaults
The IppOAuth2PlatformSdk is a set of .NET classes that make it easier to make OAuth2 calls for the Intuit's APIs. This is a stripped off version from the main QBO V3 SDK just for making OAuth2 API calls.
Common class for SK Project
Extensions for configuring Serilog.
Standard logging lib powered by Serilog
Contains digi4th Encoo.Telemetry
Standard logging lib powered by Serilog
Installation Qualification
Enables interactions between SuperMemo Assistant and Plugins.
Microservice host redistributable library that includes generic intefaces for starting, stoping and executing custom workflows as part of the service lifecycle.
Implementation Suite provides trivial framework for implementing basic functionality during application development process.
Helpers for dotnet core console. Startup for console
Web stack with OWIN, WebApi, SignalR, Autofac, AutoMapper, various utilities and configuration defaults to speed up initial setup efforts
Secure Token Service, IdentityBase web interface
The rolling file sink for Serilog, with support for token replacement in the path template.