Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog.Sinks.File

Total dependencies: 431

Navi-Tech solutions core web
Serilog sink that writes to a rolling file based on a date formatted path and filename.
Ring 2 library based on VaraniumSharp. This library makes use of and extends VaraniumSharp to be a base for other (Ring 3) projects.
[Obsolete] Configuration-friendly JSON file, rolling file and stdout (Console) wrappers for Serilog
This assembly allows you to easily create Web API
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
This library creates a facade to control different hypervisors with one interface.
An easy to use Filesystem Base request processing service, using FileWatcher, Generic Hosting, with RPC like support
Dap Prelude, provide logging and other basic abstractions, use SeriLog for logging
Base interfaces for automatica.core system
This package configures logging for applications, abstracting the framework used.
Extends Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to add support for Serilog Console and File. This library uses up to date Serilog packages and provides a official release for console and file logging sinks
Provides support for creating ECMA 2 management agents for FIM/MIM