Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Selenium WebDriver

Total dependencies: 550

Set of base classes for functional testing automation with Selenium WebDriver.
NSelene is a wrapper over Selenium Webdriver, built to provide user-oriented API for Web UI tests in Browser and improve tests stability by implementing smart implicit waiting for commands and assertions. It's inspired by Selenide from Java, SelenideJs from JavaScript and Selene from Python. Ma...
My package description.
PerfectoLab utilities
PerfectoLab utilities
This is a description
General Utils
WebComponents - Extension for Selenium WebDriver IWebElement
results logger for specflow/selenium testing
Library to easily wait elements when using Selenium.
Master Framework Selenium Package. This package include library to help the development of an application.
Broswer Connect
Core library for UITest
An wrapper for Selenium. This library provides sugar syntax to make beginners in programming write automated scenario easier with Episerver site.
Package Description