Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebDriver Support

Total dependencies: 457

It is a wrapper library to use Selenium in MSTest. Preparing such as Selenium is a little easier. The screenshot will be output to the result of MSTest when you use the method that was prepared. Get a screen shot that is output as Excel.
Helper for seleniun webdriver
Selenium Web Driver implementation supporting different browsers and simplified methods for accessing HTML DOM.
OctoGWT is an awesome an modern Selenium webdriver framework for quickly creating Given When Then tests.
A WebDriver that distributes commands to multiple drivers in parallel.
Various utilities to aid Selenium web driver development including a grid aware web driver factory, selenium extensions including wait and element extensions. Now includes a screenshot service.
PBDesk.Selenium.Extension C# Common & Useful Wrapper Utility Library over Selenium Web Drivers build for .Net 4/4.5/4.5.1
Runs QUnit & Jasmine unit-tests from .NET via Selenium WebDriver.
C# extension that vastly improves upon the WebDriver. It includes functions for tables, selectlists and much more. It is great for converting Watin tests to Selenium because the syntax is very simliar. For more Info and Examples go to
Adds the current SeleniumServer.jar (27MB) to the project (requires Java to run - Pulls in Selenium.Support. Useful for headless browser testing where you don't want to be bothered with setting up Selenium Server. Note, if you already have a SeleniumServer.jar on your system, you c...
Wombat implementation for Selenium
Umbrella NuGet Package for Testware Automation APIs
Create NuGet packages for Testware Web Controls used during the Spider project...
Package Description
Selenium framework
Automation Framework
Package Description
Package Description
A basic client for SkyGrid.