Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SassAndCoffee.Core

Total dependencies: 10

Just the JavaScript (CoffeeScript, Uglify.js) parts of SassAndCoffee. Useful for embedding in other projects.
Just the Ruby (Sass, SCSS) parts of SassAndCoffee. Useful for embedding in other projects.
RequestReduce.SassLessCoffee is an add-on to RequestReduce which compiles DotLess and Sass CSS as well as Coffee scripts to be included in the RequestDeuce sprite generation, minification and bundling processing. Simply reference your .less, .sass, .scss and .coffee files with those extensions and R...
SASS/SCSS processing for System.Web.Optimization bundles.
Sass CSS compiler support for Cassette.
Just the Ruby (Sass, SCSS) parts of SassAndCoffee. Useful for embedding in other projects.
CoffeeScript compiler for use with Stitch.