Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Rx-Linq

Total dependencies: 119

RxHeat.Wpf is a library that complements the Reactive Extensions Library with WPF helper features. The project comprises a collection of tested features. It includes: - Wpf Helpers --- ObservableCollection async loader --- Scheduler Helper
RxHeat.Tibco7 is a library that complements the Reactive Extensions Library with Tibco Rendezvou 7.x helper features. - Easily subscribe to topics - Snap and update RvCache subjects
Created on 2022-06-27 21:28
Reactive Web Streams allows you to create controllers returning and consuming Rx observables, operating over WebSockets.
Qactive queryable observable providers infrastructure.
Qactive TCP provider for client and server.
Qactive base streaming implementation provider and protocol for client and server.
NSpec.VsAdapter is a test adapter to run NSpec tests from Test Explorer in Visual Studio. It runs tests from projects targeting classic .NET Framework. It is available both as a Visual Studio Extension (for VS 2013, 2015) as well as a NuGet Package (for VS 2017). VS Extension for 2017 is under deve...
OmniXAML support library.
Stream to Reactive conversion, reactive TCP server, Stream extension methods.
Bud is a build tool.
A library that provides logging/analysis of Reactive Extensions observables, events, errors and subscriptions in your application.
RxSpy bundled with a graphical interfaces for inspecting reactive applications. The LiveView interface will not be shipped alongside your application.
Reactive containers, collection and extensions.
Provides extension methods and utility classes for working with Rx.
RxHeat is a library of helper classes that complements the Reactive Extensions Library with additional features. The project comprises a collection of tested features. It includes: - Async Observer ForkJoin Helper - CachedObservable; perfect for caching and sharing a stream to miti...
Corlib-Reactive is a class-library containing many useful types missing from the .NET Framework, such as the EventLoopSchedulerSlim, extension methods expanding on Rx's ToTask for APM integration, as well as WaitHandle conversions to IObsevable<Unit>!
AutoCompleteBox for WinRT built using Reactive Extensions. For more info see