Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RhinoMocks

Total dependencies: 61

A library for interfacing geocaching services.
StructureMap AutoMocker for RhinoMocks
Additional test utilities for testing projects using AFPST.DomainCore.
DotGoodies.Testing.RhinoMocksExtensions provides 3 things for behaviour driven unit tests: * A base class for tests using RhinoMocks. * A way to create thread safe mock that can be called from several threads in parallel. This is to fix a well known bug in version 3.6 of RhinoMocks. ...
Handy base test classes and other extensions useful for TDD using NUnit.
.net framework that helps you build applications easily
Used as a utility assembly for UNIT TESTING ONLY
Specifications made easy.
Specflow step definitions to support system testing WPF applications with the White framework
Classes to support unit testing WPF applications, in particular those built with Bsw.Wpf.Utilities
Fluent interface for writing BDD scenarios
Contains a base class for UnitTests that supports testing code that uses the dependency injection pattern.
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert. Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert. Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert. Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert. Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
ScenarioObjects is a spec-writing template for focusing more on behaviors and less on arbitrary values.
Framework to provide base classes to test enforcing Given, When, Then and using automocking
Framework to provide base classes to test enforcing Given, When, Then and using automocking