Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RestSharp

Total dependencies: 2427

A fully compatible PCL version of RestSharp.
Client for calling HTTP REST APIs, mapping HTTP responses to C# types using a fluent API
OmniCX Web Framework encapsulates lot of functionalities for Angular helpers, automatic form generation, validations, Email Templates, MVC Model Meta Data Extensions, Better Json Handling, Custom Attributes.
A library trying to make one common interface for most anime database sites.
.Net api for interacting with the PipeDrive API. Fully Async and support for custom fields and API Rate limiting.
Provides a T4 file in order to generate the Templates.cs file for an Sitecore Helix module.
A repository framework for ReSTful API clients
Mondido Payments SDK for .net
Cluster workload distribution framework
Quickflow activity repository. Integrated with CustomEntityFoundation.
RabbitClient is a custom wrapper for the RabbitMq client and allows any developer to connect, publish, send and consume messages in an easy and straightforward way
Rest API target for NLog
NewRelic.Synthetics.Api - MsBuild target and accompanying code to work with NewRelic Synthetics API (disable/enable Synthetics monitors during deployment)
OpenAlprApi - the C# library for the OpenALPR Cloud API
A library generated from a OpenAPI doc