Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RestSharp

Total dependencies: 2427

A .Net Core library that executes SOAP service calls using REST SHARP and maps the result to your generic object.
C# SDK for Snapchat Marketing API
A General purpose rest ApiClient write in C# language for the OneSignal API.
Classe de comunicação com os endpoints da API Saurus Danfe.
Lipseys .net 4.6+
This is an extension module for Zayni Framework's Middle.Service.Client module. This extension module provide the Http RemoteClient implementation for Middle.Service.Client module.
The Middle.Service.Client is the client SDK for Middle.Service module. You can use it to connect, send RPC request or publish message to the server side's service host very easy. Support TCPSocket, WebSocket and RabbitMQ protocol.
微信小程序SDK。 官方网址: 开源库地址: 公众号:麦扣聊技术 博客地址: 交流QQ群:85318032 小店地址:
CapSync - fast and easy communication with ERP systems.
Applyze Tenant Client Library to communicate with Web API.
Alchemium Unlimited - Common Client Packages
Package that integrates Jira functionality into the Ranorex system.
LineNotify SDK for .NET example: