Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RestSharp

Total dependencies: 2427

Convert files and data effortlessly. Convert DOCX to PDF. Convert CSV to JSON. And much more.
CloudMonix is a sophisticated Microsoft Azure monitoring and automation product. This is the official public API client to manage CloudMonix objects and data.
Cloudmersive Virus Scan allows you to scan files, URLs, and webistes for viruses, malware, trojans, ransomware, spyware, and many other types of threats. Multi-factor scanninga cross many delivery methods including polymorphic and multipartite. Scanning supports files, archives, and recursive file...
Automatic log communication (request and response) from RestSharp using Serilog.
Series of services for interacting with Propago programmatically. New release convention, moving forward it will be YYYY.MM.dd
The home module contains common functionality and essetntials required to build an app home page
This is the .Net version of PollinationSDK
Pinchot is the API for interfacing with JoeScan JS-50 model scan heads. Please see for documentation and support tools.
Add new date helpers to generate pdf
Meister V3.0 Core Nuget Package Meister V3.x Core Nuger Package
This SDK allows to connect your application to Rainbow for bringing one-to-one chat and group chat using messages and files. It's also possible to edit, delete rand reply to specific messages. A file storage is also available to manage files already shared and know your file quota. If your accoun...
Provide Http client channel implementation for NetRpc.
A C# Wrapper for the TCAdmin REST API.
One signal client targeting .Net Framework 4.5.2 and .Net Standard for .Net Core 2.0+ support. Feel Free to contribute! :)
Library for interacting with the excellent service.
.NET wrapper of the DigitalOcean API
Package Description
The fork of the official Intercom API client library for .NET with net standard support published into NuGet feed
Use this client SDK to Call CyberSource REST API's. This SDK includes generates both HTTP Signature and JWT headers (including authentication headers) for the API requests.
SDK for the Sila API version 0.2.