Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RestSharp

Total dependencies: 2427

An SDK to query and update Jira from within .net
Restify is an opionated foundation framework to create C# REST API wrappers. It is intended to be used by anyone who wants to create a wrapper for a REST API implementation in C#. (Current only supports OAUTH). Building upon Restify will give you ease in consuming REST APIs.
C# Untappd Wrapper
A .net wrapper for Trion World's MMO 'Rift' REST API.
A wrapper for the Harvest time tracking API. C# client for HTML to PDF API, and Screenshot API
PayamGostar Client. Repository:
Een client voor het uitvragen en afhandelen van anvragen richting Clickker. Clickker is de API voor connectivity met Exact Globe.
GraphHopper Extension Library.
SDK for API service
Access the Intrinio API (official).
Implements tools to help in unit and BDD tests.
Shared UI Components for find apprenticeship training functionality
Client for using Stereotype
Common helper classes
Automatic log communication (request and response) from RestSharp using Serilog. Extendd from Thiago Barradas
Strongly typed test framework built on top of selenium, to ease test implementation and support paged object model