Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RestSharp

Total dependencies: 2427

Help you with token
.Net Core Integration helper for Parasut API
A wrapper for the Clash of Clans API. - Windows SDK
This package perform the authentication process of Connect API
GroupMeClientApi provides a C# API Client for interacting with GroupMe
CORE de Licenciamento Dev+
A library generated from a OpenAPI doc
A simple utility that will assist automation efforts
Automation test extension for API/Web/Mobile/Performance with enabled dotnet core support and other features. This package includes the AutoTestExtras framework assembly, which is referenced by your automation tests.
Biblioteca .Net Standart 2.0 de integração com a API de pagamentos da Zoop.
The DRACOON SDK for .NET Standard.
C# wrapper for
A library generated from a OpenAPI doc
EasyPost Shipping API Client Library for .NET
SharpBucket is a .Net wrapper (written in c#) for the Bitbucket's REST API. With it you can have all the data of your repositories / issues at your fingertips.
This is the official OAuth 2.0 C# client SDK for the Playlyfe API. It supports the client_credentials and authorization code OAuth 2.0 flows.
A c# implementation of the Do-It platform REST API. This API powers the main DO-IT website and the rest client allows you to bring the Do-It functionality into your own platform. This effort was produced by the internal team at Marie Curie as part of their back-office integration with Do-It. Talk to...
Useful extensions/tools/utils I keep using all over the place. Hit me up (@bscheiman) if you need help.