Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RequireJS

Total dependencies: 41

A RequireJS/AMD loader plugin for loading text resources. Known to work in RequireJS, but should work in other AMD loaders that support the same loader plugin API. It is nice to build HTML using regular HTML tags, instead of building up DOM structures in script. However, there is no good way to emb...
Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScript and designed to make Single Page Applications (SPAs) easy to create and maintain. We've used it to build apps for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android...and now it's your turn... Features -Clean MV* Architecture -JS & HTML...
app-stitch is a visually simple yet powerful way of designing business rules. Combine the many channels to stitch different apps together and save hours on auditing, authentication, automation and validation.
Single Page Application template for create a solution from scratch
app-stitch is a visually simple yet powerful way of designing business rules. Combine the many channels to stitch different apps together and save hours on auditing, authentication, automation and validation.
Core of the framework for developing scalable JavaScript client side applications. The framework is targeted towards a .Net developer who has experience with Silverlight or WPF and is looking to apply same principles and patterns (e.g. MVVM, bindings, modularization, templated controls, react...
This packages adds bootstrap 3 support to Durandal written by Rob Eisenberg. Built using Durandal 2.0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScript and designed to make Singl...
SPA Tools is a set of tools and frameworks to help creating modern web apps. This package contains the base framework of SPA Tools : - Knockout extenders - Knockout binding handlers - Underscore extension - Underscore Knockout integration - Moment Knockout integr...
Notificación de política de cookies. Callbacks para llamadas a Google Analytics y para abrir política de cookies.
An AMD Ecmascript 6 Polyfill which is strictly following specification + Extensions. Built version available using package 'PromiseExt.Built'.
Knockout Underscore integration.
This is a package containing all the dependencies for the management portal
T1 common scripts library
Makes binding js view models and html views together easier with html5 data attributes
Applies Sammy.JS client-side routes (history navigation) by non-invasive way. Please visit project wiki pages
Management web pages for SiGyl Opc
Для добавление Crop необходимо создать метод [HttpPost] с параметрами"CropModel " в контролере. Далее реализовать метод CropImage.Trimming() в параметры передать CropModel и полный путь для сохранения изображения. В файле "CropImage.js" в константе "UrlUploadFile" необходимо написать путь до конт...