Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RavenDB Client

Total dependencies: 215

Provides NodaTime support for the RavenDB Server.
Write Serilog events to a RavenDB database.
Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD framework for modern C#/.NET applications. RavenDB data access and infrastructure services.
Represents a connection to RavenDB database. Shared Plugin for all versions of FastReport product: FastReport .NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.OpenSource, FastReport.WPF, FastReport.Avalonia. Requirements: Any FastReport 2024.2.1.0+ package, NuGet Client 3.4.4+
Package Description
RavenDB-based persistence for Rebus
Making it simple to customize Hosting for your .NET 6.x+ application
RavenDb backing for APIBlox.NetCore.EventStore.
This is NLog custom target build to empower NLog to send logs directly to RavenDb.
Contains dlls and sources for RavenDB Persistence Provider: RavenDBProvider which implements interfaces: IPersistenceProvider, ISchemePersistenceProvider and IWorkflowGenerator. Steps for workflow runtime configuration with RavenDBProvider:
RavenDB user/role store management implementation for ASP.NET Core identity provider.
Raven Migrations is a migration framework for RavenDB to help with updates to your database objects.
Drop in persistence with RavenDb for FubuMVC / StructureMap applications
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Yarn RavenDB Provider
Migrations for RavenDB é um nuget feito para auxiliar e encurtar o tempo de desenvolvimento de aplicações que possuem qualquer necessidade ligada a uma agenda entregando uma estrutura de fácil uso e moderna a medida que é atualizada. O objetivo desse projeto é fazer com que os desenvolvedores não precisem per...
Package Description
Package Description