Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on QRCoder

Total dependencies: 142

Nuget is Custom built for downloaading nuget dependencies for Foresight Solutions Developers.
Helpers For .Net Core
QR code provider for TwoFactorAuth.Net using the excellent QRCoder library (
Lanymy.Common-alpha 通用辅助类库. 序列化 ; 压缩 ; 数据流加密 ; 文件操作 ; 枚举扩展 ; 沙盒操作 ; 进程 ; 二维码 ; 反射 ; 版本 ; 流水号 ; 验证码 ; CMD命令行操作器 ; ffmpeg辅助类 ; 目前版本还在测试阶段,还不够稳定.
Package Description
此类库是基于.net standard 2.1封装的一系列常用编程模式和实用程序的核心组件,致力于促进coding效率与规范。
An ASP.NET Core library for generating and validating one time passwords for google authenticator.
Library to methods utilities to developmets
iCom integrates a variety of specific operation classes, such as: Cookie, Items, Cache, Form, DbContext, DbDynamic, DbConn, SqlQuery, FileUtil, FileUpload, Crypto, BarCode, StringUtil, TypeConvert, SortList, DateUtil, RegexUtil, Environal, ReflectUtil, HttpClient, ImageUtil, XmlUtil, ZipPackage, Wo...
Basic version 1、radis 2、rabbmit mq 3、oss 4、web request
1:增加Excel读取为DTO对象功能 2:增加了一些扩展方法(比如两个字典或两个集合比较是否相等的扩展方法...)
All tools to modify image (resize, crop, change in gray, draw on it, ...) and analyse it (face recognition, qr code and barecode decrypt, ...)
Manage user for applications. Can scan internet to have some more details
Dijing.Common is a common extension library for .netcore