Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on PeanutButter.Utils

Total dependencies: 20

The SqlCe TempDb implementation
The LocalDb TempDb implementation
Provides the following: * EntityBase - a base entity class to inherit from. Provides the following fields: Created (datetime) LastModified (datetime?) Enabled (bool) * DbContextWithAutomaticTrackingFields - when persisting entities which deri...
This is the random value generators slice of the PeanutButter mini-suite
Some generic test utilites.
A base package for PeanutButter.TempDb.* packages. This provides the generic TempDb base class
The Sqlite TempDb<> implementation
Helpers for testing when using PeanutButter.DatabaseHelpers
The Database Helpers component of the Peanut Butter mini-suite
Provides the Entity POCO classes for sharing data access with the EmailSpooler.Win32Service service
Contains classes to help with testing when entity and a SQL Server would be involved in production: * TestFixtureWithTempDb provides bootstrapping for tests which would use a temporary database (TempDBLocalDb) * EntityPersistenceTestFixtureBase provides helpers for the common test of persist...
Some utilities for using Castle.Windsor in your projects
A generic Migrations Runner for FluentMigrator so you can run in migrations within your application.
The MySql TempDb<> implementation, using Oracle's MySql.Data connector
The MySql TempDb<> implementation, using MySqlConnector
A few useful extensions for making testing against the PeanutButter.SimpleHTTPServer.HttpServer cleaner and easier to read, providing extensions to: - test for requests - test for headers
Test helpers to use in conjunction with PeanutButter.Async, allowing your tests to treat tasks as if they were run synchronously.
Temporary Redis server using whatever redis is available on the local machine
Provides dead-easy commandline argument parsing. Can be as simple as: 1. define an interface of options you'd like to parse 2. var opts = args.ParseTo<IArgs>() See the readme for more info
THIS PACKAGE IS DEPRECATED AND MAY BE DISCONTINUED IN THE FUTURE It's basically just a wrapper for PeanutButter.TempDb.MySql.Data.