Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on PInvoke.Windows.Core

Total dependencies: 51

P/Invoke methods for the Windows Kernel32.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows NCrypt.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows BCrypt.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows AdvApi32.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows User32.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Windows.ShellScalingApi.dll.
P/Invoke methods for Win32 APIs
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Fusion.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Userenv.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Psapi.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Gdi32.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Shell32.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows WtsApi32.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows SHCore.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Crypt32.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows DbgHelp.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Hid.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows ImageHlp.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows NTDll.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows SetupApi.dll.