Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on PInvoke.User32

Total dependencies: 12

P/Invoke methods for the Windows AdvApi32.dll.
Desktop Assets, Vue and React Framework libraries, Bootstrap, Material Design SVGs, Font Awesome and Win32 APIs for ServiceStack CEF .NET Core Desktop Apps
P/Invoke methods for Win32 APIs
P/Invoke methods for the Windows Gdi32.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows SHCore.dll.
P/Invoke methods for the Windows UxTheme.dll.
Allows you to screenshot a screen or a portion of the screen. Features: - Supports multiple displays with different scale - Thread-safe Utilities: - Screenshoter.GetPhysicalScreens() // returns all screens rectangles. - Screenshoter.GetPhysicalScreenRectangle() // returns global screen rectangle.
Allows you to screenshot a screen or a portion of the screen. Features: - Supports multiple displays with different scales - Thread-safe Utilities: - Screenshoter.GetPhysicalScreens() // returns all screens rectangles. - Screenshoter.GetPhysicalScreenRectangle() // returns global screen rectangle.
A library that allows unit tests to be written against WPF XAML.
Some code help manage system
Extensibility library and tools for Stack window manager
Selenium for the Console!