Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on OWIN

Total dependencies: 587

An ASP.NET library enabling easy time traveling at runtime.
WebSharper Sitelets module for Owin 1.0
Yet another ALT.MVC framework for .NET. Use this package to host it in an ASP.NET application.
Service Fabric Contribution OwinCommunicationListener Library
Noodles transforms your object model into a web app. Install this library to customise the cshtml template files, or if you don't want to use the EmbeddedResourceVirtualPathProvider to load your views
Instagram OWIN Middleware
Hosting library for OWIN-based lightweight services .NET.
Middleware that enables and application to support Dropbox's oAuth2 authentication
sina weibo oauth for ms owin
Extensible versions of common Owin Oauth Middleware (Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc) that allow for multi-tenant and other complex scenarios.
Extensible Owin OAuth Middleware
Core components for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
OWIN OAuth Provider for SMSGH Unity Platform. This is an easy-to-use plugin for ASP.NET applications that uses SMSGH Unity's OAuth as its authentication and authorization portal.